8-Second Branding Podcast How to Write an Award Winning Book and Author Marketing Plan Debra Eckerling

How to Write an Award-Winning Book and Author Marketing Plan – 8-Second Branding Podcast

8-Second Branding Podcast GUEST:

Debra Eckerling, Goals Strategist, Speaker, Award-Winning Author, Corporate Consultan

Do you want to know the secrets for writing an award-winning book and author marketing plan in a book proposal in 2022? Listen to these Author Success Tips in this 8-Second Branding Podcast interview with Award-Winning Author and Goals Strategist Debra Eckerling (The DEB Method and “Your Goal Guide”) and your Host Liz H Kelly (Goody PR Founder and Award-Winning Author, “8-Second PR”, 2nd edition coming soon!).


8-Second Branding Podcast Write Award Winning Books Tips Debra Eckerling

During this fun 2022 new year’s kick-off conversation, Eckerling and Kelly uncover how to set simple book-writing goals to ensure success, write a powerful Marketing Plan in a Book Proposal, and produce a professional, high-quality book that attracts readers, clients and reviews!

For more information follow Debra Eckerling @TheDebMethod and your Host @LizHKelly @8SecondPR


1:00 - Introductions and Happy New Year!

2:00 - Goal Setting Simplified

2:41 - Setting a Goal to Write a Book

3:02 - How do you just get started Writing a Books

3:42 - Do the groundwork on your mission

4:35 - Figure out what is your story - what makes you unique

5:01 - Start with Your WHY

5:39 - Benefits of Writing a Book - A Book is a Credibility. Business Card

6:35 - Do you start with a Table of Contents, Book Proposal and/or Marketing Plan?

7:05 - Traditional Publishing versus Self-Publishing

10:00 - Do a Competitive Analysis for your book

10:33 - Why you have to think about Marketing from the beginning of a book

11:12 - Why You must by your Book Title URL on Go Daddy first

11:50  - Use Namechk dot com to check your title URL and social media sites for branding

12:55 - Alternative approach if you cannot get your exact title as a URL

13:44 - What is The Deb Method for goal setting, and how can it help you write a book?

15:20 - The importance of the Author Bio

17:52 - Top 3 Reasons to Write a Book - Credibility, attract clients, give back and make a difference

19:15 - How to write the content of the book 

19:40 - How the “direct to journaling” process works

21:00 - What you are most enthusiastic about is what you should write about

22:30 - How long will it take you to write a book? 10 yr or 3 months?

24:00 - How can you manage your book writing process?

27:00 - Key publishing steps if you are self-publishing on your own

29:00 - The First step is “Getting off your Butt” and writing that book!

29:22 - If you self-publish, you want to take it as seriously as working with a publisher

30:00 - Make sure you have a publishing roadmap

30:30 - Make sure you produce a high quality book because it represents your brand.

31:00 - Why you need a TEAM to publish a great book!

34:00 - Working with a publisher team

34:30 - Next steps for writing a book

35:59 - Your book is your Brand You!

36:00 - Very important - final tip!

37:00 - How many books are published per day in the US? (Hint - It’s a “Crazy Big” number)

iHeart Radio 8-Second Branding Podcast8 Second Branding Podcast on VoiceAmerica Business Channel Goody PR8-Second Branding Marketing Podcast on Spotify by Liz H Kelly8 Second Branding Podcast on Apple Podcasts with Liz H Kelly


Debra Ecklering 8-Second Branding Podcast Book Writing TipsDebra Ecklering is a Goals Strategist, Speaker, Award-Winning Author, Corporate Consultant,and Host #GoalChat, #GoalChatLive and #TheDEBShow. Eckerling helps entrepreneurs, executives, and employees identify – and make a plan for – their personal and professional goals. Eckerling offers corporate wellbeing programs, workshops and online support. Her signature DEB Method is a goal-setting simplified approach using D = Determine Your Mission, E = Explore Your Options, and B = Brainstorm Your Path. You can also read Ecklerling’s bestselling book: “Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals", available on Amazon in paperback, ebook and audiobook. Follow @TheDEBMethod or visit Https://thedebmethod.com


Category: 8 Second Branding8 Second Branding PodcastMarketing PodcastPublic Relations Podcast