In years prior to beginning the journey with you, I kept trying to explain what I wanted out of a publicist more than just doing my business day after day…what I came to finally be able to verbalize was that. I just wanted new things to happen and new and different opportunities to be open to me whatever that would be or however that might manifest itself…since teaming with you both this has come to be! A wonderful surprise, and new experience each and everyday! It’s like Christmas morning! Thank you! I am very appreciative!

Liz H. Kelly developed and presented a custom social media training program for our JCP Growth Membership team at Oracle that was a gamechanger for our overall global strategy, plan and outreach. We did a lot of brainstorming, and walked away with both an expanded knowledge of social media, and a great list of action items to implement. 

Heather VanCura
Senior Director, Oracle
Thank you Goody PR and Liz H Kelly for helping us take our brand story to the next level for our Personalogy Game! We appreciate the powerful storytelling process that you took us through to rethink our positioning in a more playful way that emotionally connects with the media, customers and retailers. As a result, we now have Walmart interested in putting our games in their stores for Christmas! We can’t thank you enough! Michelle Burke
Creative Director & Co-Founder, Personalogy Game

Liz’s UCLA Extension New Media Marketing online class was tremendously useful to me professionally and personally, and I have already begun to deploy some of the learnings in my consulting practice. After this class, we used social media to promote a dance concert (3 shows), and were nearly SOLD OUT for every show, without using any traditional ads!

Jim Schiefelbein
SchiefEnterprises, Chicago, Illinois

It was great to bring Liz back for a second social media training workshop at The Recording Academy (GRAMMYs) for local members and clients of MusiCares. There was a lot of positive attendee feedback for her 2.0 class held June 2013 which focused on increasing individual social media presence using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Her branding, popular music and MySpace examples were a big hit with the audience! There were approximately 40 participants, and Liz did a great job answering ALL of their questions. Thanks Liz!

Brett Bryngelson
Program Specialist for MusiCares / GRAMMYs

@LizHKelly @GoodyAwards strategically helped us from early on thru launch to develop a global marketing campaign including press releases, social media and photography for @ComedyGivesBack 24 Hours of Comedy benefiting Malaria No More that contributed to our 100 million impressions in 2 weeks resulting in winning the IAWTV Best Live Event Award. We were thrilled to leverage the Comedy Gives Back platform to honor Budd Friedman with the Golden Goody Award.

@ComedyGivesBack Co-Founder, Los Angeles, CA