Goody Business Book Awards

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To Uplift Author Voices, Goody PR hosts the Annual Goody Business Book Awards.

Did you write a book that is improving lives? The Goody Business Book Awards are presented by Goody PR to “Uplift Author Voices” – who are making a difference with Words! If your book is helping people save money, start a business, improve their health, be a better leader, and more – then you are in the right place.

Goody Business Book Awards for Authors Social Impact

While many book awards highlight authors who are a force for good, what makes these annual awards unique is they honor 100% social impact books in 50 categories to help authors reach millions of potential readers and fans.

The 50 book award options are in 8 subject areas / book genres, including: Business, Entrepreneur, Health, Leadership, Marketing, Money/Wealth, and Technology.

By being recognized in your industry and area of expertise, these book awards can add great value to your marketing, public relations and sales results.

You can now Nominate Your Book for 2024. The final deadline is September 30, 2024, and it’s an easy 3-step process using the short form on this website.

Any book that has been published within 5 years is eligible for 2024 (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024).

Award-Winning Authors will be announced right before Thanksgiving on November 15th – just in time for your holiday book sales promotions and winter months when people are reading more.

With 46+ million books on Amazon now, authors need to find more ways to stand out. It’s no longer enough to be a bestseller, and becoming an Award-Winning Author has many author benefits.

Goody PR and Goody Business Book Awards Founder Liz H Kelly designed this program to amplify authors making a positive impact. These book awards are an extension of Goody PR’s Mission to “Magnify Good”. Kelly has also put together a Goody Business Book Awards Honorary Board of Advisors that includes marketing, PR, publishing and media experts.

Goody PR works primarily with clients who are Authors, Businesses, Business Professionals, Business Owners, CEOs, Founders, Entrepreneurs, Speakers, CEOs, Thought Leaders, Experts, and Causes.

Goody Business Book Awards Uplifting Author Voices with Annual Book Awards by Goody PR

After nominating many clients for business book awards, Kelly saw a need for a more comprehensive program focused on helping thought leaders magnify their social impact messages, and started the Goody Business Book Awards.

Kelly’s Goody PR clients have been featured in thousands of earned media (TV, print, radio and podcast interviews) to promote their work – including on the TODAY Show, CNN, BBC World News, CBS Health Watch, FOX Business, Pioneer PBS (this 20-minute story won a 2022 Upper Midwest Emmy® Award), TMZ, and in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, Fast Company, USA TODAY, Psychology Today, WebMD, BBC Radio, WOR Radio, and hundreds of local TV stations and podcasts.

Book awards can increase awareness of a book, raise an author’s credibility, increase sales, and attract more raving fans and clients.

All Award-Winning Authors are encouraged to promote their Goody Business Book Awards on their book’s front cover, website, social media, video, blogs – and even send out a press release announcing the news to maximize their reach!

Join our mission to “Uplift Author Voices” by nominating your book, or your friend’s book today using our easy form and process.

2024/09/30 23:59:59