Do you want to learn 20 New PR Strategies to get more national media interviews, and increase sales using the power of publicity?
Are you ready to take your brand to the next level using earned media interviews (TV, print, radio, podcast) that are 3x more valuable than any paid ad?
Develop PR strategies that attract national interviews using the Story Reinvention Chapter (New!).
Be a Great Guest with impactful soundbites so you get invited back. (New!)
Measure media results and Calculated Publicity Value for TV interviews.
Get 30+ podcast interviews for 1 book or business. (New!)
Create a Digital Press Kit with assets so you’re ready when a reporter calls! (New!)
Maximize your author reach on Amazon via search, promotions and reviews. (New!)
– PLUS – 8 updated PR Superpowers & Bonus Content Surprises! (New!)