Do you want to know the secrets for booking thousands of media interviews? Did you know that some reporters get 500+ email pitches a day?

To help you develop a Wow Story for your brand that attracts more media interviews, we’ve put together five public relations advice tips with examples after booking clients on major outlets (TODAY Show, Forbes, NPR, and many more).

After booking thousands of interviews for successful health, financial, technology, entrepreneur, lifestyle and entertainment industry clients (you can see examples in our Portfolio), we encourage everyone to create a compelling story at the start of any publicity campaign. And then keep brainstorming ways to build more Wow Stories throughout your campaign.


Goody PR Public Relations Agency Success Stories with National and Local Media Interviews


Get More Media Interviews

Because there are many experts in your field or industry, your best public relations strategy is to send reporters meaningful and timely topics with a unique spokesperson story who can entertain and/or educate their audience.

Bottom line, if you don’t have the right story, your message will get nowhere fast, so this step is really important. So here are the top tips for how you can get more interviews, faster:


1. Make Boring Topics Interesting

No matter how dull your product or topic seems, there is always a way to make it sound more interesting. One of our former Goody PR clients is Tax Expert Tom Wheelwright who runs a company called WealthAbility. To reach his ideal audience, we secured a thought leader column in Entrepreneur Magazine. And to create a relevant story, we leveraged headline news. For example, this “Tax-Free Wealth” author wrote insights on how Amazon is paying zero taxes with this headline: “How Amazon and Entrepreneurs Can Legally Pay Zero Federal Income Tax”. While Entrepreneur’s editor usually took three weeks to publish submissions, this story was published within 48 hours.


2. Develop Brand Stories with Emotions

You want people to remember your brand by making them smile, cry, scream, be inspired and/or feel compelled to do something. If you make readers or viewers feel something, they are much more likely to remember your company, product or service. For example, one of Goody PR’s clients is Warriors Heart, which is the first and only private and accredited treatment center in the U.S. that is exclusively for warriors (military, veterans and first responders) who are struggling with addition, PTSD and co-occurring issues.

While the Warriors Heart’s “Strength Through Healing” approach creates emotion, they’ve has gotten more media interviews by sharing impactful personal comeback stories that inspire and educate others on how to get help.


3. Select a Unique Brand Name

To stand out in the clutter online, a unique brand or book title is a must. We highly recommend selecting a name with memorable story behind it. And then, buy the for press, get the same social media usernames and build your website BEFORE publishing and/or doing any marketing. While this advice tip may sound obvious, you’d be surprised how many authors skip this step, and call us after their book launch for help. For example, we did PR for an author who selected a cliche title called “One Hit Wonder”. While we loved the book, the title made it harder to remember and get SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As a result, we focused on promoting the author’s name and their personal WHY.


4. Develop Memorable Soundbites

While we never recommend memorizing a script for interviews, developing a few soundbites that explain your Wow Story is a good idea. And make sure these phrases are clear, concise and compelling, so you get right to the point. For example, Goody PR recently did a successful public relations campaign for American Paper Optics for the April 8, 2024, Total Solar Eclipse to promote their eclipse glasses. When asked about the upcoming eclipse, the CEO would often say during media interviews, “It’s going to be to like watching 30 Super Bowls in the sky.” Everyone loved this “water cooler” line that had a great visual too.


5. Adopt an Authentic Charity

It’s cool to care. And if your company is not supporting a charity or cause, Goody PR will help you find one with meaning for you and your brand. For example, the first thing we did while working on the launch campaign for Los Angeles tech startup JukinMedia was recommend adopting the Rob Dyrdek Foundation, which provides skateboard parks for underserved youth. It was a perfect match because JukinMedia was selling video clips of skateboarders to networks like Comedy Central, The Today Show, and Rob Dyrdek’s MTV Ridiculousness show. JukinMedia’s CEO made the top 25 tech entrepreneurs in Los Angeles. And the company was so successful that it was eventually sold about ten years later.


Goody PR Agency Eclipse Glasses CBS Saturday Morning American Paper Optics CEO John Jerit

American Paper Optics / CEO John Jerit describes the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse on CBS Saturday Morning with memorable soundbites.

Public Relations Strategy

For your media success, it’s always starts with having a Wow Story that emotionally connects with reporters and their target audience. Take an honest step back and ask if your story is getting reporters interested in sharing your story with the world. If you’re not getting your desired results, it may be time to reset your public relations strategy. You contact us for a free initial consultation. We’re happy to discuss ways we may be able to help you attract more earned media interviews, increase your brand awareness and boost your business results.


© Liz H Kelly 2024, Goody PR